As such, waking up to a loving and encouraging message from your significant other can be a significant boost and help you start the day on the right foot. Not only is it lovely to receive them, but it’s also kind to send them. But there’s a problem. You don’t know what to text a guy in the morning to make him smile! So today, we’re giving you a large sampling of paragraphs for him to wake up to. After all, you want your man to start his day on a positive and affectionate note, right?

103 Good Morning Paragraphs for Him

Morning paragraphs for him don’t all need to sound like Hallmark Channel writers wrote them. Don’t get us wrong: a little Hallmark never hurt anyone, and a healthy dose is always welcome around these parts — as you’ll see below. But we also included options for different types of guys — and the people who love them.

Cute Paragraphs for Him to Wake Him Up

If you’re in search of something cute — but not too cloying — these messages will work.

  1. It’s time to get up in the morning! There are things to do and people to see. But before you drag yourself from the bed, I wanted to let you know that I’m already thinking of you, your sweet face, and your kind heart. Good morning, my love. I hope you have an incredible day!
  2. I woke up to the dog licking my face and was upset it wasn’t you. Good morning, babe! May today be filled with lots of good things for you.
  3. Every day is a fresh start! A chance to do better than the day before. I’m sorry that yesterday was rough, but you’re an amazing man who can overcome any hurdle! I love you, honey! Pick yourself up and get going. Good things come to those who brush themselves off and try again.
  4. You always make me feel like the most special, beautiful, and loved person on the planet! Sometimes your PDA is downright embarrassing! But I love it, I love you, and I want you to have a fantastic day.
  5. Morning has arrived! A new day is here. And today, I love you just a little bit more than I did yesterday. Be well today. I’ll be thinking of you.
  6. Rise and shine, my love! May today be filled with good news, happy thoughts, and great food! Thinking of you will give me all the mind candy I need!
  7. Sunshine, are you ready to have a super day? I hope so — because I’ve planned something special. Wake up, enjoy your coffee, check your messages, take a shower, and then put on some comfy clothes. I’ll be there in a couple of hours to pick you up. Today is going to be epic!
  8. Life is a journey, and I’m thrilled to be riding this path, at this time, with you. Who knows what the future will hold, but this morning, I feel great because you’re in my life. Good morning, babe.
  9. The birds are singing, the sun is stretching its long rays, and I awoke with a heart full of love and respect for you! I wanted to be the first person to wish you a happy day. Have a blessed day, my dear.
  10. Thank you for filling my life with boundless, unconditional love. Every day with you is heaven on Earth. You are my angel, and I love you dearly. I hope today’s trials are minimal, and you see the light of God around every corner.
  11. Rise and shine, my knight in shining armor! No, I’ve changed my mind. You’re better than a knight. You’re a king. So get out there and rule today!
  12. I’m going to need a defibrillator on-hand; because even after all these months, you make my heart beat faster. Good morning, love. May today be a wonderful one for you!
  13. I love my independence and our relationship equally, but I won’t lie: I think about you before my precious independence every morning. So, maybe you do edge it out by a hair? Have a fabulous day, honey.
  14. I cannot wait for the day when we can wake up together. It won’t be long, now! I’m so lucky to have you in my life, and I’m counting down the days until I’m your wife. I hope you have a super morning.
  15. We’re unconventional people with unconventional lives. But I’m thrilled we found our way to each other and that you’re the first person I think of every morning. Rise and shine, sweetie!
  16. It’s time to wake up, handsome! Let’s hope your day is thrilling as last night! Wow! Thanks for the phenomenal time. We should do that again — ASAP! Otherwise, have a super day.
  17. You give me a good reason to get up every morning. Our relationship has transformed my life. You took it from awful to awesome, and I cannot thank you enough. I hope you have a super day, and I am looking forward to seeing you this evening.
  18. Life isn’t easy. More and more, I’m beginning to believe that everything they taught us to value as kids is a bunch of bull that has nothing to do with the real adult world. But you give me faith that true love is real, so I thank God for you every day I wake up. Many things may be the opposite of what I thought, but your goodness is my rock.
  19. I awoke this morning and immediately felt a huge surge of love for you. If this is what it means having you in my life, I could get used to this! I hope you have a wonderful day, friend.
  20. Through thick and thin, we have each other’s backs. Our partnership is strong and true. So when you’re out in the world today, even though I may not be by your side, I’m with you every step of the way. Enjoy the day!
  21. Hey, good looking! It’s a new day, and I wanted to take a minute to let you know how much you mean to me by sending a morning message. Have a super day!
  22. I asked the Universe to send me the perfect partner — and then you arrived! I’m forever grateful to have you in my life. You are amazing, and I hope you have a spectacular day.
  23. Life has a funny way of working out. Never in a million years did I think I’d end up with someone like you. But alas, here we are, more thrilled than two peas in a prize-winning pod: happy, well-nourished, and side by side.

Good Morning Paragraphs for Your Boyfriend

This next set of morning messages is for people in a committed relationship – and particularly for that boyfriend of yours who makes your heart melt. 24. Good morning, my dearest boyfriend. It feels great to say that — to use the word “boyfriend.” I’m thrilled we finalized things. And yes, I’m excited about what our potential future holds. May you have an incredible day full of joy and kindness. 25. It stinks that we’re not going to be able to see each other for at least eight more hours! I’ll spend all day thinking of you, though. You’re my man, and I’m looking forward to catching up later. 26. I love that we have committed to each other. It feels right. You feel right. And though I may not always be by your side when you wake up in the morning, I am there in spirit. Have a brilliant day! 27. I had to duck out early this morning and wasn’t able to say goodbye. I apologize. So please let this message serve as a substitute. I love you so much and hope you have a super day! 28. The newspaper landed on the doorstep, and the coffee is brewing. Birdsong fills the air, and the sun seems determined to make everything sparkle like a rare gem. And yet, amidst all this perfection, the only thing I can think about is you. Good morning, my love! I hope you have a wonderful day. I’m thrilled you’re in my life. 29. You’re away on business; I’m at home with the dog. Starting the day without you feels wrong. We miss you, babe! Come back soon! Until then, have a super day. 30. I was brought up to reject the concept of luck. “You create your own luck,” my mom and dad would scold. But now I know they’re wrong — because luck is the only way I landed you, Mr. Perfect. Have a great day! Let’s talk later. 31. Sure, I’ve had my fair share of boyfriends. But I can honestly say that none of them popped into my head first thing in the morning like you do! Good morning, pumpkin. May you have a phenomenal day. 32. I love this stage of the relationship. It’s still relatively new, yet old enough that I feel comfortable saying things like, “I love you!” I hope you have a first-rate day. 33. Not waking up next to you is hell on Earth. Thankfully, heaven is just around the corner when I see you at lunch. Have a top-notch morning, my love. 34. I love you a little more every day. Every morning, the sun shines in and drops off another packet of affection with your name on it. I hope you have a super day. 35. Enjoy the day, my beau! Remember that we create our own destinies. So work hard and be kind. It will all pay off in the end. Get out there and take the world by storm! 36. Truth be told, I’m glad we’re not in each other’s space and business 24-7. I love having my own bed. But truth also be told, I wouldn’t mind seeing your face first thing in the morning. Maybe we should start having sleepovers? Have a great day and think about it! 37. I have a secret to share this morning. Don’t tell my friends and family, but you’re my whole world. Have a wonderful day, darling. 38. While showering this morning, I decided I probably wouldn’t be totally lost without you. After all, I’m a strong woman, and you like that! However, I’d be exceptionally sad. So, let’s just love each other for a long time. Is that a deal? Have a remarkable day, dearest. 39. Good morning, sexy. I spent all night dreaming of you, and now I’ll probably spend all day thinking about you. It’s happened, you’re living rent-free in my mind — and I don’t mind one bit! Have a beautiful day. 40. I wish I was in your arms right now. But we cannot have everything we want all the time, can we? I hope you have a marvelous day that’s filled with productivity, pleasantness, and a little bit of magic. 41. Good morning, my love. Today may be like any other day, yet the thought of you makes my heart glow like it’s a special, magical day. Have a super morning and an excellent afternoon. 42. You stole my heart ages ago, yet I feel giddy and young because you’re still in my life. Thank you for being exactly who you are. Enjoy the day! 43. Sure, we woke up side by side. But I wanted to send you a message to read when I was in the shower. In fact, why don’t you join me? Can you think of a better way to wake up? Good morning, sexy!

Long Good Morning Paragraphs for Him

Sometimes, you want to send something longer than a tweet. So below, we’ve curated a list of long morning love messages for him that are sure to have him thinking about you all day long. 44. Good morning, my special darling. Welcome to a gorgeous new day filled with hope and possibilities. May today give you many reasons to be joyful and thankful — and an equal number of opportunities to be generous and kind. May laughter easily find its way to your heart. Thank you for being the most treasured part of my life, and do your best to have a sensational day. 45. In “Pride and Prejudice,” the main male character, Mr. Darcy, and the female protagonist, Elizabeth Bennet, don’t like each other at first — or so it seems. But throughout the book, it becomes evident that they love each other deeply. That’s so similar to our story! And every morning, I’m thrilled we figured it out. Have a wonderful day, my Mr. Darcy. 46. Every day we’re together is another opportunity to leave out my dreams. You’re everything I ever wanted in a partner and more. I didn’t know it was possible to be treated so well. You’re an excellent provider, friend, and lover. When Mother Universe made you, she must have been in a great mood. I hope you have an excellent day, and I’m looking forward to seeing you later. May blessings and magic follow you always. 47. All my fear and anxiety disappear when I’m with you because I know you love me unconditionally. So today, when you’re standing in front of all those people, know that I love you without limit. Please let it be a source of strength. And no matter what happens, I will love you. Have a splendid day — and best of luck! 48. Hey babe. I awoke this morning thinking about your sweet face and kind heart. You’re the full package, and I’m so lucky to have you in my life. I hope you have a fantastic day. Before you know it, we’ll be in each other’s arms! 49. You work so hard, day in and day out. Know that I appreciate how much you do and recognize all that you are. I’m lucky to have you in my life. You’re a blessing and a gift. Don’t let anyone get you down today. You’ve got this! 50. On this gorgeous day, I thank the Lord for the continued opportunity to love you. As each day dawns, I think about you and your complete love for me. Within my soul, I know I’m lucky to have you, and I’m so proud to be able to call you mine forever. I love you always and forever. Good morning! 51. You bring a sense of fulfillment to my life, heart, and world. Thanks to you, I have the confidence to see all of my goals and aspirations become a reality. But because of those goals, I cannot be with you this morning. But know that I am always thinking of you and rooting for you. Have a wonderful day, my love. 52. My friends and family would always tell me that I deserved the best when it came to a partner. But I didn’t believe them. I didn’t have confidence and sold myself short, always ending up with narcissists and assorted jerks. And then you came along, and I now know my friends and family were right. Life is so much better with a great guy like you. I hope you have a great morning that just keeps getting better! 53. I never believed I was capable of much, nor did I think I deserved it. But then you came along and changed my world. You made me realize that I am worthy and beautiful, and talented. My life has bloomed all thanks to your love, and I hope that luck blooms for you today. Good luck getting through the daily grind, my love. 54. Life, in general, is exceptionally complicated. But when I’m around you, everything seems easy. We work so well together. And today, I’m hoping you work well with your team and crush your presentation. But no matter what happens, I’ll be here for you at the end of the day. Break a leg out there, honey! Have a great day! 55. Good morning, my sweet love. We’ve been through hell and back, but we’re finally on the right track. Can you believe we made it!? The fact that we’re still standing is a testament to our bond and relationship. Nothing can stop us. Watch out, world — because here we come! And today is the first day of the rest of our lives. Have a super day, darling. 56. I got to thinking this morning about how great you are. A smile is never far from your face, and you have a fantastic ability to take life as it comes. Watching you in the flow of life is incredible! You’re not just my boyfriend; you’re an inspiration! I hope you take your magic and sprinkle a little on the world today. It needs it. 57. I believed my parents when they told me that only religious people are good folks. And then you came along — an opinionated non-believer. At first, I didn’t understand God’s plan for me. Why would he give me feelings for someone who didn’t believe in the “good book”? But then I realized that God is love, and love comes in all shapes, sizes, and belief systems. My parents were wrong. Good people are everywhere! And I thank God every day that he sent me one in you. Have a terrific day, my dear. 58. When I was a young girl, I read romance novels and dreamed of one day meeting my own Rex, Trent, or Chance — a burly man with a chiseled face. It never occurred to me that all those romance heroes were not worthy of my swoon. After all, what woman of substance wants a half-mute, emotionally stunted meat-head around all the time!? I’m so glad I grew up and recognized that you were the perfect guy for me: intelligent, interesting, kind, and self-aware. Thank you for being my romance hero. 59. [Your boyfriend’s Name], your soul sparkles as much as your pearly whites — and I love them both! In fact, I love everything about you — from the top of your head to the bottom of your raggedy sneakers. Have a great day today, and then, tonight, let’s stay in and turn our phones off! Until then, sexy. 109 Of The Best Appreciation Messages To Show Your Gratitude 11 Ways To Establish Equality In Your Romantic Relationship 23 Of The Best Love Poems For Your Husband 60. Good morning to my boyfriend of 40 years! Sure, we may have too many kids, bills, and annoying neighbors — but at least we have each other! Even after all this time, you make me giddy. Get out there and have a super day. And remember: never let the dirty dogs keep you down! 61. People always made fun of me for holding out until Mr. Perfect came along. They were willing to settle for second-best, but I always knew in my heart that the perfect someone for me would one day come along. I’m glad I waited because along you came. May your day be filled with wonderful things and wonderful people. You deserve it. 62. Good morning, handsome. Today is a big day, so let me offer you this prayer: May your eyes see no evil — nor your ears hear its cry. May greatness always present itself to you, and may obstacles crumble in the sight of your presence. You’re the best, and those who cannot see it are blind. Kick butt today, babe! 63. Every day, I wake up and think about how lucky I am! I have a lovely roof over my head, a loving family and friend group, and the best cat on the continent. But what most makes me smile is that I have you! Thank you for being the handsome, generous, vulnerable, and loving man you are. May your day be filled with great things!

Sweet Good Morning Paragraphs for Him

Here’s another set of good morning paragraphs for him that fall on the sweeter end of the scale. 64. The sun is rising, and I suspect you are, too. As such, I wanted to be the first person to wish you a good morning. I’m so glad you’re in my life, and I can’t wait to see your face today. Have a super day, good-looking! 65. Good morning, Mr. Sweet tooth! I hope you have a fabulous day at work. When you get home, a chocolate cake with your name on it will be waiting! 66. We had our first fight last night. And yes, it sucked. But it doesn’t mean I don’t love you. We’ll work through this. Try to have a good day today, and we’ll calmly talk later. 67. Hey, sexy. So glad to wake up next to you this morning. 68. Life is a miracle, and so are you! Have a great day, my love! 69. I like to think of life as a journey, and this leg has been great with you by my side. Thanks for being amazing. Now go out there and have a great day, my little bunny rabbit. 70. Today won’t be an easy day. There’s a lot to do. So before things get too hectic, I wanted to say I love you, I’m behind you, and I’m here for anything you need. Now get up and kick butt, my love! 71. When I think of you, I can’t help but smile. Even where you’re hundreds of miles away, the thought of you turns my frown upside down. Good morning, Prince Charming. May my love walk by your side today. 72. Together, our future is bound to be fabulous. Some days will be a new adventure; others will be neutral, and still, others will be terrible. But no matter what type of day it is, my love for you will never wither. 73. Good morning, partner. I’m so excited to be going on this journey with you. I feel like Cinderella — the commoner girl who got the prince. Our time together is like a fairy tale. 74. We may not always agree on everything, and that’s all right! Life would be boring if we did! After all, debates are the spice of life. So please don’t even give our disagreement a second thought. Today is a new day, and you have butt to kick, sir. Love ya, babe! 75. I cannot believe how adorable you are! I hope you don’t take that the wrong way. It’s meant as a compliment, evidenced by the fact that I’m sending you a good morning message because you’re on my mind. 76. Good morning, you sassy love muffin, you. I hope you have a superb day. 77. Logically, I understand that nobody is perfect — but you come pretty darn close! I hope you have an amazing day. 78. Wake up, smarty pants! It’s time to crush it at that interview today. I know you’ll do fantastic. And if they don’t see that you’d be the perfect person for the job, then they’re stupid and don’t deserve you. Get out there and show the world who you are! 79. I wish we could lounge in bed together all day, every day. Life is so lovely and languid when we can shut out the rest of the world and cocoon together. But alas, the day awaits. So wake up, honey! Time to get going. Have a dazzling day. 80. Thank you for standing up for me last night. I know it was difficult, and I thank you for sticking your neck out. But most of all, thank you for your courage and devotion. Good morning, sweetness and light. May today be better than yesterday. 81. Good morning to the kindest, sweetest, most generous man I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing – You. I hope you have a delightful day ahead of you, and I love you tremendously. 82. If you lived on a farm, the roosters would have had you up hours ago! Time to rise and shine, city boy! 83. It may sound cliche, but you are my missing puzzle piece. I was incomplete before you came along. And now that you’re here, I hope it’s forever. Good morning, my darling boy!

Good Morning Messages for the Non-Mushy Boyfriend

Not everyone is mushy. For some folks, romance is about self-deprecation, potty humor, and a bit of good-natured ribbing. And for those people, we’ve curated a collection of morning messages. 84. Some people want a hunky, wealthy, romantic partner — but I’d rather have you. Be good today, and don’t forget to think about me. 85. Apparently, young kids these days expect their significant other to send daily wake-up messages. So here’s one for you: get the heck out of bed, you old, lazy fart head! How’s that for love? 86. Lord knows you’re not a good guy. He also knows I wouldn’t like you if you were! So welcome to a new day. Let’s get up to no good together. 87. Hey, shark. Go get ’em today! No mercy! 88. When I saw you lying next to me this morning, with the sunbeams shining into the room, the fresh smell of roses lingering in the air, I thought: Wow, he’s so lucky to have me! 89. Hey there. You’re probably a stink bomb right now because you just woke up. All that funky night sweat is clinging to you. Yuck! Disgusting! You’d better take a shower and clean yourself up before we meet my friends today. I don’t want them thinking I fell in love with a stinky night-sweater! Imagine the horror!? So, shower and have a good day. 90. Charles Schultz once said that “love is sharing your popcorn.” So look, please don’t take it the wrong way when I insist on getting my own tonight at the movies. Have a great day. See you tonight. 91. “You must be tired because you’ve been running through my head all morning.” Some people like word-of-the-day calendars. I’m partial to bad pick-up lines. I hope you have a sensational day. 92. Did you know that some women expect their men to send them morning texts every single morning!? Thank goodness I’m not one of those ladies, eh? I hope you have a good one. 93. I love you just as much as chocolate-covered strawberries. Now, if you drop some off on your way home, you may pull ahead in the race. Have a great day, sweets. 94. Honestly, I’m quite obsessed with you. After all, it’s not often a lady like me comes across a guy like you — because what would my friends think!? Just kidding. Have a super day. 95. You must wake up every morning thinking about your tremendous luck. After all, I’m your girlfriend! 96. I’m so glad I don’t have to wake up next to you — the smell and the crankiness just aren’t my thing. So cheers to separate apartments! But I did want to admit that even though we happily live apart, you’re the first thing that pops into my head every morning. Good morning, sweetness. I love you! 97. I’m so glad you’re not one of those guys who expects daily morning text messages — nor one who sends them! Have a great day, my little grumpkin. 98. Everyone told me I was crazy for marrying you. They were right. But what they didn’t realize is that I’m crazy. So here’s to us this fine morning: two crazoids taking on the world. Have a wonderful day. 99. Roses are red; violets are blue; you’re not romantic, but I still love you. Have a good one! 100. You know how [friend’s name] ’s boyfriend is always texting and calling and buying her things? I’m so glad you’re not that clingy. Actually, I’m lying. I want it all! But have a super day, anyway, Mr. Too Cool for School. 101. I’d rather spend the rest of my life with you than with the smartest, best-looking, wealthiest man in the world! Good morning, my wonderful Mr. Average. 102. Some men make lots of money. Others are good-looking enough to model for designer brands. You’re none of those things — but still the perfect man for me. Have a good day, babe. 103. Rita Rudner once said, “I love being married. It’s so great to find one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” I couldn’t agree more. 

Tips About Sending Morning Paragraphs to Him

We’ve curated a list of paragraphs for him to wake up to. Now, it’s time to talk about love-messaging etiquette. Because ladies and gents, some of you cross the line! So, before sending a morning message to the person you’re seeing, ask yourself the following questions:

Does he send you morning messages? If he doesn’t, ask why you do it for him. Fine-tune your radar and ensure you’re not giving more than you’re getting. How often do you see this guy? If you’re not talking or seeing each other multiple times a week, it’s probably too soon to be sending daily love messages. If you’re a long-distance couple, that’s a different story. In those cases, daily morning messages are a good idea. Do you say sweet things to him all the time? Does he reciprocate? If not, don’t waste your messages on him. Are you in love with love, or do you genuinely feel emotions for this guy? Take a fierce inventory of your motivations; be honest with yourself. If it’s the former, maybe it’s time to put on the brakes and figure out what you really want.

Also, be smart about when and how you send morning messages to a man. 

Sending text messages is acceptable.  Sending an email is also fine.  But whatever you do, don’t post them on social media for the world to see!

For starters, these days, social media is more than about connecting with old friends and family. Employers keep tabs on employees’ social media accounts, and potential employers scour interviewees’ accounts. As such, it’s best to keep the mushy stuff private. Secondly, life happens. Things may be going great now, but who knows what will happen in two months. And if things do go south, do you really want your mushy love messages all over social media for someone you no longer like? We’re not trying to harsh your high; instead, like a good friend, we’re urging caution. But if all lights are green, and your man is just as into the relationship as you, get your love messages on, ladies!             

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