Most of the questions that mess with your mind if you look deep into nature and the nature of its existence. People turn to religion or faith as a means of finding comfort in their suffering and confusing lives. Few look up to the evidence for every question that they ponder about life. And science is the only go-to place for those skeptical and rational minds which is fair enough to do so. Because it is truly humbling to realize how scientific discoveries have given rise to explanations about the universe that other means may have failed to accomplish. Others travel around in search of inspiration while others sit around doing nothing trying to figure out what life is all about.  But in reality, most of these answers are in front of us if we would just take a second to think about them. We live in an imperfect world but our life is full of blessings and it’s up to us to recognize them. So don’t let your dreams slip away! Recommended reading: 500 Questions that make you think deeply I have taken quite some time to think and reflect, by asking deep questions to myself and coming up with my perspectives and answers to the questions that mess with your head. These questions don’t have any absolute answers, but they will make you question everything you believe about life and existence. By exploring these questions, we can discover how little we actually know. Nietzsche said: He who has a why to live for can bear almost anyhow. So asking questions is the best way to begin with. Sometimes it’s fun to just lay in bed and think about stuff. Also read: Answers to the questions that make you think deeply about life The problem, though, is that your brain starts wondering in some odd directions, and you end up with questions that mess with your brain and just don’t have any answers that make sense or that can be verified in any way. These are questions that mess with your mind in the craziest ways, leaving you scratching your head when you ask them—and when you try to figure out the answers. Here are 37 of the most mind-blowing questions out there. See if they are silly or make you think deeply. I have provided my answers in a funny way and some of them with wit and logic. Enjoy! And leave your favorite questions in the comments below. Recommended reading: 125 Questions that make no sense.

Questions that mess with your mind with Answers

Here is the list of questions that mess with your mind and deep answers.

  1. Which Came First – The Chicken Or The Egg? People have been debating about whether an egg came before a chicken for centuries – but did you know some scientists actually believe they’re closely related? Scientists aren’t quite sure what was first, but they think birds and dinosaurs had a common ancestor way back when; some dinosaur fossils even contain traces of proteins that are very similar to those found in birds today. So does that mean if dinosaurs hadn’t gone extinct, chickens would’ve evolved from them instead? Nobody knows! It’s also worth noting there are no living things with DNA which is only half-egg or half-chicken – so whichever comes first isn’t really that big of a deal anyway.
  2. If Everyone Says That Life Is Unfair, Doesn’t That Mean That Life Is Fair? – It’s easy to dismiss unfairness when it’s not happening to you.  But what if everyone was in on it? After all, if nobody says anything about something bad going on, how do we even know something is wrong? And isn’t there always someone who’ll claim they’re being treated unfairly. So doesn’t that mean unfairness is really just part of life? Some people are determined to find meaning in everything – but does calling everything fair mean you’re still admitting it could be better? Does pretending everything is fair actually make things any fairer? It can be hard to tell sometimes. Also read: 20 Deep questions that make you think about life (with thought provoking answers)
  3. If An Orange Is Orange, Why Isn’t A Lime Called A Green Or A Lemon Called A Yellow? And which came first, the color or the fruit? Answer: The names of fruits and vegetables (or any other product) do not relate to their color as you might assume. It is all about their roots! Most fruits and vegetables are named after their origins; for example: apples originate from Greece; oranges, from China; coffee comes from Yemen; and potatoes come from Peru (the Spanish conquistadors who invaded Mexico mistook native plants for another edible root vegetable: sweet potatoes). Also read: 500+ Philosophical questions that make you think about life and existence.
  4. Who made God?- If God created us, who created God? A lot of people have tried to answer it… for example, some think he was always there since creation – others suggest he popped into existence at a particular point in time. But nobody really knows! You might be surprised how many stories there are about gods coming into being… including one where a god called Ra emerged from an endless sea of chaos with his children. This is just one of the thousands of different versions though – maybe one day someone will come up with an answer that sticks. I guess then they’d become famous in their own right! You never know, right?
  5. What are time and space made of?– Why do we have them at all? To be honest, nobody really knows. Some people think it’s because time is a fourth dimension, which allows us to move through three-dimensional space… but other people say there are different dimensions out there too.
  6. Are we living or slowly dying?– What do you think is going on?! As you can see, humans have been wondering about life for thousands of years. And that’s exactly why I’m making a list like this! It’s crazy how much we’ve figured out in such a short space of time. But at the same time, it’s pretty terrifying. We seem to be slowly discovering more and more weird and wonderful things about our universe, each day, so who knows what people will be asking 10,000 years from now? Also read: 100+ Questions about life that make you think (life, death, reality, world, universe, god)
  7. Why does a flightless bird have wings?- If evolution is true, why do birds like ostriches and emus have wings when they can’t fly? One idea is that feathers originally evolved for something else entirely: keeping dinosaurs warm during cold nights. However, once they were in place, natural selection allowed them to become modified for other uses (like flying) over time. Even today we’re still seeing animals evolving new adaptations: in places like Australia, mice and reptiles are using their leftover dinosaur tails as something like little bags to carry around extra snacks in! Weird huh?  It’s crazy how our world works sometimes but at least we know we’re not alone.
  8. What existed before the big bang?- There are different theories about what happened before our universe was created, but nobody really knows for sure. One man called Edwin Hubble first made us aware of other galaxies by showing how they moved away from ours so maybe another universe formed in a similar way to ours?  I guess only time will tell! We don’t have an infinite amount of it left, so let’s hope we find out soon what lies ahead. Also read: 150 Mind blowing questions (that boggle and confuse your brain) with answers
  9. Is there any meaning and purpose to life at all?- It can be tough not knowing what life’s about – but don’t worry, it’s not just you. People have been asking themselves these questions for thousands of years, but nobody has ever come up with a satisfactory answer. You may feel like everything’s pointless sometimes but try looking on the bright side: every moment of your existence is unique and temporary. So do what you can while you’re here! Everyone always says they wish they’d done more when they were younger. So get out there right now. What are you waiting for? I guess none of us really know what’s going on in our lives until it’s too late even then some people still think they’re living in some kind of computer simulation. Also read: 350+ Questions about love that make you think
  10. What will our civilization become? Our modern society is pretty different from those of a thousand years ago. So, what do you think it’ll be like a thousand years from now? One day, we might even have artificial intelligence as well as our own. Then again, there are others who think the technological singularity is just a myth – but then again, who knows what’s going on? We may have been through tough times as a species in recent years, but don’t forget: humans have survived for thousands of years now. And I’m sure we’ll make it through another thousand too! It’ll be tough at times… but I hope one day we can look back and be proud of how far we’ve come.

Questions that mess with your head

Here is the list of questions that mess with your head and Answers that make you think 11. Will Artificial Intelligence take over humanity someday? – Some people are worried about AI, but I think there’s no need to worry at all! We’ve been steadily improving our technology for thousands of years. And although it can be difficult to predict what lies ahead, I’m sure humans will find a way to coexist with machines. Its likely technology will advance in ways we can’t even imagine now, but try not to get too paranoid. You’ll often hear about the singularity when people talk about AI – but it just sounds like another made-up term to me! Maybe one day our creations will be smarter than us. But I hope they still understand us enough to treat us kindly. Also read: Really hard questions with answers that make you think about life (20 philosophical & scientific answers) 12. Why Are They Called Buildings If They’re Already Built?- Build comes from Old English words, which describe building something up by laying one layer on top of another. It’s kind of like how you construct a building. But even older than ‘build’ is ‘to build’. Which goes back to Proto-Germanic words describing to cut something down! Makes no sense at all, right?  This is why if you look at any other language – for example, Chinese – you can see it there too: they call buildings construction materials rather than just buildings. Maybe they’re onto something. 13. How Does The Moon Change Direction? Many people wonder how it is possible for objects in space to change direction – like planets and moons rotating around a central point, such as our sun – but no such ‘central point’ actually exists in space because it is infinite, so where does movement come from? Also read: 100+ Mind Bending Questions that hurt your brain to think deeply 14. If Insects Are So Obsessed With Bright Lights, Why Don’t They Fly Off To The Sun? – This is one of those questions that you could easily come up with an answer to if you just took a minute to think about it, but when you see it written down like in front of you, suddenly things get so much harder. 15. When Is A War Not A War? Wars are planned for or fought because people think they can either gain or lose something by winning or losing. There are many different types of war; some may not involve any fighting at all (such as economic sanctions) and others involve battles without actually killing anyone (such as proxy wars). Technically all wars could be called battles; but there are also battles that technically aren’t considered wars (ie: limited skirmishes). 16. What Makes Us Think The Moon Is Millions Of Miles Away When We Actually Feel It As A Part Of Ourselves? You probably never even thought about it, but if you do give it some serious consideration, things start to get really confusing. 17. How Does Your Sense Of Smell Affect Your Appetite? This is one of those ‘why didn’t I think of that?’ questions because when you really think about it, our sense of smell does affect our appetite. Don’t you notice when you walk into a busy restaurant and your appetite seems to go out of control (and sometimes disappears completely)? Now, why is that? 18. Why Is It That Some People Find It Hard To Stomach The Fact That They Are Eating Animals? – The truth is that very few people would be able to stand eating meat if they were actually witnessing how it was produced. This is why there are laws protecting animal welfare in most countries around the world. Factory farming methods are not only cruel to animals, but also detrimental to our health because of how unnatural they are. So why do we accept them? Also read: Questions that cannot be answered by science (Not Yet) 19. Why is it that rain drops but snow falls? – I’m sure you have heard someone say ‘oh, it’s raining cats and dogs. Well, why doesn’t anyone ever say ‘it’s snowing animals and fish?’ Snowfall happens because water droplets are frozen into ice particles before they are picked up by air currents to become clouds. Also read: Mind blowing questions that make you think deeply about life with answers. 20. Why Can’t You Be In Two Places At Once? Well, you can, but it is impossible for you to be in two different places at once and still be in one piece. What most people mean when they say ‘I can’t be in two places at once is actually they wish they could do so, and technically we all can because we are already in several places.  We exist in our own bodies and also in all of our thoughts and dreams, too. Many of us also exist outside of ourselves because we have pictures or memories stored on social media sites or stored somewhere else entirely such as a hard drive.

Questions that mess with your brain

Here is the list of questions that mess with your brain along with their mind blowing answers. 21. How is it possible for both of these to be true? – 1+1=2 But no matter how hard you try, you can’t make 2=1… but somehow they still work together! How does logic work? It is one of those questions that are simply impossible to answer, but they are fun to think about. 22. If You Can’t Stop Thinking About Someone, Does That Mean They’re Stalking You? Stalking comes in many different forms and not all of them involve watching or tracking someone else’s every move; if someone keeps appearing in your thoughts then technically they’re following you around – just in your own head. 23. Why does water go down a plughole counterclockwise in most toilets? What makes it swirl in one direction and not another? There are many different theories, but nobody really knows what it is that determines which way our toilet water will swirl. Also read: 100 Mind boggling questions that blow you away One of these theories is that it depends on which hemisphere you live in but how can something as simple as swirling water defies an explanation? 24. Why does one person laugh at a joke when no one else seems to find it funny? – Everyone has their own sense of humor and it is something we are born with; some people simply have a different sense of what is funny from others. But why? How can something as simple as a joke make such an impact on our moods? 25. Why do we yawn when we’re tired? – Studies have shown a link between physical exhaustion and a desire to yawn. So why do we feel more tired when we’ve been up all night, but also feel bored or restless? Perhaps it is because of how relaxed our bodies become during sleep and our minds start to wander. Also read: Personal questions to ask yourself and others to get to know better. 26. Why is some music so emotional? It can bring tears to our eyes just from hearing a song on the radio. In 1858, Charles Darwin published his book ‘The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals.’ Which has been credited as being one of the first scientific theories on emotions being connected to music ever written. Although he wasn’t entirely correct, many studies have since confirmed what he said: music has a direct impact on moods. 27. Why do our noses run when we’re cold? – When we’re cold, our blood vessels constrict to stop heat from escaping from our bodies. So why does it feel like there’s less blood flowing around when we’ve got a cold? The answer is simple: when you get a cold, all of your internal organs work harder, especially your heart. The increased pressure on our circulatory system means more blood flows through our nasal cavities. This may not be what’s causing snot to drip out of our noses – but it explains why it seems like there’s more. 28. Why do we eat less when we’re full? – This one is down to something called gastric distension, which is our stomach stretching so much to accommodate food that it can’t fit any more in. It’s like our body’s saying stop eating! you don’t need anymore. Studies have shown that after two hours of eating, our bodies start feeling ‘full’, and even if we continue to eat after then, each mouthful will make us feel less hungry. Perhaps it’s nature’s way of helping us stop before we overeat. But why does this only happen after two hours? Perhaps it has something to do with hormones or nutrients found in certain foods reaching peak levels at different times but nobody really knows for sure. 29. Why do we get goosebumps when we’re cold? The most popular theory is that our bodies are reacting to temperature changes, since it’s fairly common knowledge that when you get cold, so does your skin. But why is it exactly? Why don’t we get goosebumps when we’re hot? Studies have shown it might be because of two different kinds of cells in our skin: thermoreceptors and mechanoreceptors. Thermoreceptors detect changes in temperature – causing us to either sweat or shiver in response to hot or cold weather – while mechanoreceptors detect physical stimulation. Since our hair stands on end when there’s a sudden change in temperature, then all these receptors work together to give us goosebumps.  30. Why does a child have more wrinkles than an adult? Everyone knows that wrinkles are a sign of aging – but what exactly makes our skin get more wrinkly as we get older? As we grow up, our bodies make less of something called elastin, which is essentially how strong and elastic our skin is; when there’s not enough elastin present, your body can’t produce enough collagen to keep up. So it breaks down over time, resulting in all those fine lines you see on a face. Luckily, some people don’t get many lines at all! They’re lucky because their bodies seem to be more efficient at making elastin and collagen – usually because they’re genetically predisposed to producing lots of both. Also read: 150 Mind blowing questions (that boggle and confuse your brain)  31. Why do our knees crack when we bend them? This one’s a little weird, because nobody really knows why it happens. Many people think it’s because of a problem with synovial fluid – a slippery, lubricating liquid produced by our joints. But studies have shown knee-cracking isn’t caused by dryness in synovial fluid. So what’s going on? In 2015, Swedish scientists published a paper about their research into the matter: using MRI scans, they found out cracking is actually due to something called cavitation – or bubbles in the synovial fluid caused by air in its surroundings. 32. Why is the third hand on a watch called the second hand? The reason it’s second instead of third has to do with how time used to be counted centuries ago – watches are basically just clones of old clocks, right? Nobody can really explain why people started calling it ‘second’ back then, but some suggest it might have something to do with clocks being so small you needed two hands to read them… so one was for hours and one was for minutes. Making seconds what comes after minutes, in other words. Or maybe because people were already using terms like ‘minute hand’ and ‘hour hand’, they just decided they liked sounding smart by giving their seconds-hand its own unique name too! Who knows? Also read: 50 Hard questions with answers about life and world around us. 33. Why are periods called ‘menstruation’? Speaking of biology, why do we call them ‘periods’? It’s because menstruation is just an older word for ‘menses’, which means ‘blood’ – although to be fair, nobody’s sure where that comes from either. Nobody knows why we’re so interested in blood and our blood systems – but since you can’t really see yours all day long, it makes sense we’d have a special word for referring to it specifically. And unlike most English words we use, many people think menstruation has nothing to do with men at all! Many women feel their period is an exclusively female experience: studies show they also usually consider terms like menses and menstruation as more accurate too. 34. If you enjoy wasting time, is that time really wasted? It’s a commonly-held belief that idle hands are the devil’s playthings – but does it mean we should strive to be as busy as possible. Or can relaxing and doing nothing sometimes actually be good for us? In one study from Norway, researchers split a group of people up into two groups. Those who spent their spare time doing things like listening to music or watching TV – and those who basically spent an entire day resting. Then they used brain scans to look at how each group reacted to stressful situations; results showed those who’d taken part in an afternoon rest were far better at dealing with difficult tasks than their busier peers. Why is everyone so obsessed with overworking themselves? 35. If God Created Adam And Eve, Did They Have Belly Buttons?- Who says God created Adam and Eve? Why does everyone assume they were a couple – could they have been a bunch of kids playing around in his garden or something?  I mean, I can see why people say Adam was a man… but Eve? Could she have been an alien or something? Nobody really knows.  There are loads of theories about how we all came to be – ranging from silly ones as aliens sent us here in spaceships, to strange ones like Darwin’s theory of evolution. 36. Why is there something rather than nothing? – Pretty much every philosopher you’ve ever heard of has wondered what’s out there if anything at all. For example, why does our universe exist at all? Is it really just one of the billions of universes out there, or are we living in a unique bubble? And if so, why are we here to wonder about it all? It’s not hard to see why people have wanted answers for thousands of years: they can make you think about things differently.  Some say life itself proves there must be something bigger out there. Others disagree. After all, even if you created another human being, they’re still made from atoms – right?  We may never know for sure what’s out there. But that won’t stop everyone from trying to figure it out forever. 37. What happens after we die?– It’s a big question everyone wants to be answered: what actually happens when we die? Is there an afterlife, or do our bodies simply return to nature? And what does it all even mean? Theories vary widely across cultures and religions – but nearly everyone has a belief about what comes next. In one survey, over half of all Americans believed in Heaven, while only 1% believed in reincarnation. However, overall nearly 9 out of 10 people believe they’ll be going somewhere after death! No matter which religion you follow, I guess it’s always nice to know you’re going somewhere better than here, right? Recommended reading for you: Confusing questions that make no sense. Funny philosophical questions that make you think. Best get to know you questions to ask others. We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for info.

Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.